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Character-based Sake Brand?

Writer: DentDent

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Yep, it's true. We're working on the launch of a new sake brand.

(Ok, saké if it's important to you. But sake/saké is a Japanese word, so how does an acute accent end up on a word from a language with no letters, much less stress accents? Never mind. You don't get saké. We're sticking with sake.)

And it's character-based. We can't give it away, but we'll share deets eventually in a social media feed. Unfortunately, our influence ends there.

In the meantime, we're psyched, because our character brand experience goes way back. Possibly before you, dear reader, were born.

One of the founders worked on the launch of Sonic the Hedgehog, the character that put Sega Genesis on the map. (Actually, he worked on Sega Genesis. But Sega used Sonic to differentiate from that slow and sleepy Mario dude.) That same founder worked on character brands for the next 21 years, until just before launching Dent. And since launching Dent we've worked on a few, too. So Dent has a bit of experience with...characters.

This is the first time, however, that we've worked on an alcoholic beverage brand built on and around a character. A character that didn't exist prior to the product, and a product that wouldn't exist, except for the character. (Licensing folks can ponder that for a minute.) So this is going to be fun and interesting.



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